Only Believe | Unequally Yoked

Thinking about Sarah, and Abraham, God revealed something new I had never seen.

To both was the promise given that they would have a child. However, Sarah — old too — disqualified herself, by suggesting Abraham went in her servant instead of her.

But the cock worked for Hagar!

She conceived! Why didn’t it work for Sarah?

At some point, Abraham was over his ‘I’m too old to —.’ Sarah needed to get over hers too. I’m thinking, if both had conquered their inability to make a child, and replaced it with the sovereignty of the one who had spoken, AT THE SAME TIME / or on the same day, perhaps Isaac would have come 13 years earlier.

In Genesis 11, we see that the builders of Babel even God could not stop from accomplishing that goal because of their unity of mind — and of vision. In covenant relationships, we must learn to be on the same page, otherwise, if one party comes with a perfect vision and conscience, and the other comes with ‘there’s a history in our family that miscarriages are commonplace…’ that child could already be dead even before the ‘fishies’ are released from the net!

Even in our thought processes, we must be equally yoked to our partner’s; even in business, and close friendships; especially matters concerning purpose.

One shouldn’t assume that they’ll fully operate on another man’s faith. Jesus himself failed to do mighty miracles in His own hometown, because they did not believe He would heal them. If we only depended on Jesus’ faith, then what happened in Nazareth would not have happened. Jesus would have just turned tables again there like He did in the temple and tumors would have disappeared.

You might not necessarily receive that child if you only depend on your spouse’s faith. For something like a baby, which requires two creatures to make it, I believe the mathematics integrates. It’s no longer arithmetic subtraction baby. This is advanced calculus!

It’s only when Sarah focused on God’s sovereignty that her oven worked again.

Sarah could represent us, and Abraham could represent God’s word. If we do not believe what His word says, however much we plant the seeds of His word in our wombs, we will not conceive. It is until Sarah repented in mind, that Isaac finally came.

God says two men can’t walk together unless they are agreed. Abraham had walked ahead; Sarah was left behind. Did she really believe that she would have a child? Do you really believe that by His stripes you were healed? Do you believe that wealth and riches are in your house? Do you really believe that there is no sorcery against you? If not, you’ll deny those promises the power and fuel they need to set your world ablaze with their reality.

Read His word ever more. Listen to more testimonies. For as you continue to hear, faith will come! Don’t be unequally yoked to God! Only believe!

I pray that the Lord helps your unbelief!

For A LOT will depend on it. A LOT!

John 11:40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”

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