Shadows of Things to Come 2: Your Provision is!

On 19th April 2019, I bought my third phone at UGX480,000 (USD 125) discounted from about UGX 650,000. It was a Tecno Camon 11. My appetite for iPhones then wasn’t as much. My Camon was good enough. But as years passed, better was created. My longing turned into a prayer. The prayer was that God gave me an i— but it changed to ‘I have…’


My Camon’s façade was already confusing many. They thought it was an iPhone already.

God encouraged me to ride along that. This is similar to His Romans 4:17 law, where He calls things that are not as though they are. He called Abraham a father before he was, but he eventually matched up to that. The iPhone must have heard its name being called.

In this same month, I joined an investment club, where dividends are shared at the end of every year. I faithfully saved there up to date. By 2022’s end, I knew I needed one of the latest iPhones, as their picturesque qualities had far surpassed my current phone’s.

In my previous article I wrote about how I got the Camon’s box and wrote ‘iPhone 13’ in May 2023, having believed that I already had it. On April 6th, one of my friends in the investment club told me one is allowed to withdraw part of their savings for purposes needful. I had never heard of that, and my savings were looking pretty good. When God gave me the go ahead in a dream, I sent in a requisition.

Now, the weekend before the money hit my account, I searched the internet for what I could afford. I settled for a 12 Pro. At a wedding launch, a close friend had a 12 Pro. It was old and so I wasn’t so amused. The following day, I met Jane and Ronah who both had iPhone 13 Pros, and the picture was amazing. Later when I returned shopping, telling God the 13 Pro was too expensive, He reprimanded me; saying I was aborting! I asked Him why. He quelled, ‘What did you write on that Tecno box?’

I checked it again. Shame on me. He added, ‘The unseen realm isn’t releasing anything you didn’t order. You ordered for Isaac, not Ishmael.’

Somehow, favor got involved when I bargained a little bit for the 13 pro, and as I speak, it’s resting on my bed.

I want to encourage you to be specific about what you want. If it’s a Samsung Ultra S24, hold the profession of your faith. Many of us tend to fall half way on the journey. We get what we didn’t want and say “God wanted that for me.” No He did not! Dear Sarah, you decided to get Hagar to sleep with Abraham, yet the promise of the child was that he would come from your womb. There will be contention against what you have declared. And it might appear in a degree far less than the thing you want. It might look ‘almost’ like what you wanted, but make it clear what you want.

Thankfully, by prayer, God used those friends to keep me focused on getting what I had exactly written on the box. There’s no wrong receiving better than you imagined, for that’s in tandem with His ‘exceedingly abundantly above all you’d ask or think’, but there’s some wrong if you receive something receding and redundant, lower than what you asked for or thought.

As I slept last Saturday, in a dream God spoke again; asking me to check which date I bought my previous phone. I looked up my 2019 diary. Shockingly, my discovery was that I received both phones on the same date! The new phone as well on 19th April this year, 5 years later. How prophetic!

God added, “The Tecno was a shadow of the iPhone to come. To me, you already had it. You started saving that same month. I already had the end in mind, beginning the process of its acquirement 5 years prior. So since the first shadow came that date, I had to ensure the fulfilment came that same date.”


That taught me that your provision already IS. When Hagar was cast out due to Sarah’s decree, she was stuck thirsty in a wilderness. The Bible says, God opened her eyes to see a well that had been within her vicinity. It doesn’t say ‘the well magically appeared out the blue.’

Your prayer should be ‘where is my provision for this thing or matter Lord’ as opposed to ‘God provide…’ From this case study, I am convinced, that God’s already sorted out our provision; same way He set the garden in order before Adam came along. I mean, by the time He feeds the sparrows on a daily, I assume He sorted their food the evening before, or even before He created that bird. How much more you, in whom He dwells!

Lastly, as I tried to decipher if there be any message in the digits of the date numbers, I found something. In Hebrew, 19 means God’s perfect/divine order or judgement. To me, the image I had in mind was likened to a court room’s. Have you seen how people keep appearing in court for second hearings and third, and so on — It’s like this day, I appeared, and the judge hit the gavel upon the surface to indicate final judgement saying; ‘Henceforth, this man has proved worthy to receive this phone…’

When I noticed it occurred five years later, I remembered that the Hebrew number 5 means grace. God took me back to that favorite scripture in Psalm 84:10 which says, ‘The Lord is a sun and a shield. He gives GRACE and glory. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.’

Grace for what? Grace to enable you stand in this faith battle, as you wait for your miracle which equates to glory. This grace manifested through the friends I met who had what I was believing for, ensuring I do not desire less. These were to me as Elizabeth was to Mary. And indeed God didn’t withhold what was good in my eyes.

Now it’s my turn to be asked to take good pictures of people. O how God’s lifted me from the miry clay!

My interpretation however should not be indoctrinated or dogmatized to say ‘God will bring my thing as well on the same date as I requested’ — NO. Only believe. For all things are possible to them that do

Lastly; my cousin sister sent me a video days ago, with a man saying, “If you were invited to a party and told to bring one person, who if they come late will have to give you 20 million US dollars, who’d that be?”

She meant I’d be that person, ah! God’s sense of humor. What a great testimony!

Why so? It’s because I had been meditating on many wealth scriptures. One was Isaiah 45:3 that God has given me the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of the secret places. Another was Deuteronomy 8:18, 28:12, which say respectively; … that He has given me power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to my fathers — and that He has opened to me His good treasure, the heavens, to give rain unto my land in His season and to bless ALL the works of my hand: and I’ll lend to many nations and not borrow. (paraphrased the former)

These sync with the content that my sister sent, and you must be able to discern, especially after reading the last articles, that such winks are shadows of things to come.

The universe is already listing in the direction I am turning the radar of my world; and indeed, I get wealth daily; and I lend to many, many nations.

Another time, after a prayer the preacher had prophesied of us receiving lands, my older brother texted me. When he asked how I was, and I told him I was making money, he responded, “Buy me some land (haha);” And mind you he isn’t a fanatic like me, nor did he attend the service I had just returned from.

If you know what happened there, then we must be on the same wavelength or frequency. These shadows are evidences of what is! For to God, the future already is! And we must live our lives or see it through His lens.

The bottom line is; I believe; and all things are possible for whoever believes.

I turn now to thee. What have you believed? 🤗

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