Eliezer Cometh

I once wrote about the encounter of Rebekah at the well with Eliezer, the servant of Abraham who took her for wife for his master's son Isaac. (Gen 24) I emphasized the lesson on consistency, and how the Bible said the women came to the well at a certain hour DAILY. Thus the coincidence of … Continue reading Eliezer Cometh

Your Waters shall be Sure!

Isaiah 33:16 He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions (fortress) of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. There was a time, when God was speaking to me about my dreams. Figuratively, they are expressed as pregnancies in many scenarios and parables. In that season, … Continue reading Your Waters shall be Sure!

Seek first the Kingdom of God

"Rebekah didn't go to the well to get a husband." A prominent preacher of the gospel: Apostle Grace Lubega, said amidst a sermon, and like that, I zoned out as God continue to speak to me. I once blogged about wells in 2019, here's a link to what that post said: https://biggiesbigblogs.wordpress.com/2019/10/16/at-the-well-destinies-change/ God made me … Continue reading Seek first the Kingdom of God

You are a Destiny Helper Too

In this blog (https://biggiesbigblogs.wordpress.com/2020/03/09/you-are-a-destiny-helper/) we saw how I was a destiny helper to two friends, and how I helped connect them... Today I want to talk about someone who's been a destiny helper to me; In 2016, I noticed that Pastor Moses Mukisa had written some books. I wrote an email to him, wondering if … Continue reading You are a Destiny Helper Too

What People Deal With When They Deal With You!

When people call your name, they are calling Christ. Why? It's no longer you who lives, but Christ in you! When people think about you, they are thinking Christ. Why? It's no longer you who lives, but Christ in you! No wonder thinking about the righteous is a blessing in itself! It's the substance of … Continue reading What People Deal With When They Deal With You!