Time Zones

Have you ever thought about it? The fact that one can’t move without time advancing.

Time has become a measure of distance; that is to say, to move from Naalya to Luwero (L’O pronounced as if saying LA, which is Los Angeles in short), one needs an hour and thirty minutes. You can’t talk about distance and not talk about time. Equally, you can’t talk about these two and not talk about speed.

None of these fundamentals are constant. There are many alternative routes from Naalya to L’O. That alone changes everything. There are many alternative means from Naalya to L’O.

That too changes everything. A person using a public taxi will not take as less time as he in their personal car, and he on foot will definitely take centuries more than he on a motorcycle. These means can also be affected by their speeds.

You could be in a range rover and choose to travel at 10kph while the taxi person is traveling at 180kph! Despite the taxi’s over stopping, you can’t arrive at the same time. All these then affect time taken to reach.

Now on 5th October, a friend in Pretoria wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday, but it was an hour behind in South Africa. To her, she felt like if she sent me birthday wishes, she’d be too early…but remember, it was already midnight here and so she was on time!

Knowledge enabled her do the trick and attain her goal. Today, I’d like you to know that who you spend most of your time with, contributes or defines your knowledge. For example, I have seen friends commune and become intimate because each had a high affinity for a particular theme; perhaps; technology, software or travel etc.

There is this friend I have. He informs me all about time. God is he! Beyond time, He knows all about other things. But time cuts across every being. Everyone, I’m sure would like to know when is it the right time to…

When is it the right time; to marry! To move out! To have that child!
Picture yourself from the example in Acts 8 when God teleported Philip from Gaza to Azotus. The distance between these is about 60km. Back then, depending what mode of transportation, one needed hours to cover that distance, but within a split-second, Philip redeemed all those hours!

If my friend needed to move from Pretoria to Kampala to say ‘Happy birthday’ in person. She’d have needed 40-55 hours to do so. Imagine if she traveled all that way within a second and then returned. More would be accomplished her end, right?
Just like South Africa is in an entirely different time zone, an hour behind Uganda, different events in your life could be in different time zones. These time zones could be in days, months or years.

For example, your marriage. It could be 5 years from now, for those who haven’t been married yet. It could be that Kairos moment or anything else. What God can do, is not to carry your body to that place like he did Philip. Rather, He can carry your spirit to that particular moment and make you have a glimpse of it.

After that, He simply brings your spirit back to the present, without many clues, so that you depend on him entirely for what you have seen.

Picture yourself as the world. Imagine you are in Nigeria. There, it is midnight, but 3 years away (I have replaced hours with years here) you’ll be in Kenya. You basically do not know what is going on 3 years from now’…and logic says the only way to find out is when you finally get there.

God on the other hand can pull a Phil move on you and carry you to Kenya; to your 3 years from your present, show you what will happen and then bring you back to your present. He can make you exist in 2 time zones at the same time.

Imagine being in Tokyo at 12am and at the same time in Uganda which is still experiencing 5pm! Same earth, same you! Different places, different events!
God can show you your spouse. The one who He betrothed for you long before you were ever born. He can show you what your life is all about and what you will or are supposed to be doing.

You may ask, ‘Why do I need to know all this?’

It is to save you from wasting your time! Many are out there practicing trial and error in their pursuit to find the ‘right one’ and the ‘right career’. God can inform your knowledge about those two, as long as you do as I said at the start.

Hanging out so much with him such that He can’t help but spill all secrets to you, making you aware; both of what is happening 3 or 10 years from now in your life;

Why? Your future is not supposed to be a mystery. Not at all! His Spirit, which lives in you, knows all things. So if He lives in you, why shouldn’t you know at least all the things pertaining to you?

With that, go win your future back.

Happy Halo-Win Day!

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