As He Said …

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬ He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Every Easter, my take home, is the power in the words above. ‘He is risen as He said He would.’

As He said…

I then translate that to the rest of His sayings. If indeed He was faithful to Himself, I believe He is faithful all through. For indeed if God tells us to love others as we love ourselves, it must be that He loves us as He loves Himself! If He kept His vow to Himself, surely, He’ll keep the vowS (notice the plural) He has said to all of us.

If He said the righteous would never be forsaken nor see their children beg bread, the righteous shall NOT be forsaken nor have their children beg bread AS HE SAID!

If He said you would be blessed with believing Abraham, as heirs of the world, then indeed you will be blessed with believing Abraham, AS HE SAID!

If He said wealth and riches would be in the house of the righteous, if He said with long life He would satisfy you, if He said with favor He would surround you as with a shield, if He said no good thing would He withhold from you, if He said no evil or plague would come near thy dwelling, if He said the signs of raising the dead and healing the sick and casting out devils would follow you; if He said you would lend to nations (not just your next-door neighbor, not just your SACCO-mates, not just one nation but many —); then all will be so AS HE SAID!

Now God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent (or go back on — or against the word He has already sent out). Knowing such, through your past experiences, this will concrete your trust in Him; for the only thing between you and His ‘as He said’ over you, is BELIEF.

If whenever I always promise to give you money, you always doubt that I can, I may eventually stop. Your doubt in me might weaken your ability to receive from me, though it will not limit me from giving to someone else. That’s the same with God.

If you’re struggling with this, check what He did for the people in the Bible. Check what He’s done for the widows, and the people around you. You’ll realise He can be trusted. And if parents can be trusted to give children bread when they ask for it, and not stones; then how much more the Heavenly father, the God of everything!

If you once trusted Him, and you feel He let you down one time, don’t discredit Him over that one time — and fall blind to all the other times He didn’t let you down! Even when a married couple has a disagreement, they will not divorce over that one disagreement. The covenant is meant for life! This covenant between God and you isn’t any different…

Trust again! Love again! Take a chance again! For how many times has He loved you again even when you promised you’d never do that bad thing again? See …

Well then, may the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, resurrect any dead aspect in your life, and grant thee the faith, to believe He’ll do as He said He would to you!

Do have yourself a good Easter! From mine to your family.

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