
This word means an ‘unplanned fortunate discovery’.

On 1st October, I headed out to go to a supermarket to buy some deodorant spray, but I had forgotten to carry something important.

My mind was on other things, admiring the sun and stuff, but I had forgotten to carry something important. I finally reached the highway, whose other boundary, on the other side, had the supermarket, but I had forgotten to carry something important.

As I waited to cross the road, the thought hit me, that I had forgotten to carry that something important…

No sooner had I taken note than a Ractis silver car pulled out the road and parked next to me promptly. It was JT, a world class electric/bass guitarist-friend.

As he said ‘Wasa…’, my eyes landed on the something important I needed, beyond anything else! Ladies and gentlemen, lo and behold, a mask… JT both had one over his face and an extra one he always carries around dangling down his gear

‘Two masks? For what?’ is what I had first asked myself. Then it hit me that that’s what I had needed in order to access the supermarket. JT gave me the extra mask and I went on my way.

This was an unplanned and yet fortunate as the word serendipity means.

Apostle Grace Lubega once said, “There are two kinds of men. Those who seek certain things and never find them and those who find and are found by those very things!”

I was found by a thing which I hadn’t remembered, I needed for that particular time. Now do not despise this example. Let me take you deeper.

This mask had to work hand in hand with the element of time. JT woke up early to drive from Seeta. He was in his own time realm, while I was in mine, but both realms, since belonged to time, time had to work together for the mask’s good for me who loves God and who’s called according to his purpose.

The extra mask, the fuel, our departure times were all impromptu orchestrations. This means, they never rehearsed at all, and yet were exactly where they needed to be for me!

Are you of God too? Billions of things are working in the background to work for you. These things are alive and will liaise with time in order to reach you at that exact point just before you even realize you need them.

Your tuition is working hard to reach you and it will. Your promotion is landing before you even ask for it. Your spouse will just find him or herself before your eyes. Whatever you need is working through serendipity.

Even when you don’t know what it is for, it’s like that interviewee who shows up 2 hours before the time he or she is required and says, ‘I’ll wait!’

However, if JT never showed up on time, I would have walked back all the way home—a total waste of time. It all could have cost me an hour or more.

This comes to say that when things find you, and locate you, even before you need them, you are redeeming time, which is a very crucial matter for everyone on the earth.

Your flames within you must be burning now, as you wonder how you’d fully operate in this;

The first thing to do for all this to happen to you, is to be CONSCIOUS that you attract all good things that you need even before your actual time for their needing comes. This consciousness comes by you reading and meditating on God’s word for so long until things both spiritual & physical notice your kingly stardom and royal priesthood!

Kings come to your rising. Nations to your light. Money is your servant. You are the light of the world, and all things that pertain to life and godliness, manifest at your feet today!

The evidence I have isn’t much today, but I pray it suffices. The serendipity stories I have are two of our forefathers: Joseph’s and David’s. Joseph displayed what he could do: interpreting dreams. But he had no opportunity to go about asking who needed a riddle to interpret for. When the cup bearer returned to the palace, and the king dreamt after many years, that’s when a good thing sought out Joseph. That’s when his gift was recalled by someone who once enjoyed its benefits.

As for David, he was a lad whose father (and mother) had possibly forgotten about when the prophet Samuel had come to anoint a new king. Imagine you were him… Kilometers away, tending to sheep, and then boom — multitudes show up stating that the one person whose rank was higher than the king’s was looking for you. It must have been both scary and exciting for the teenager. It was a good thing that the boy wasn’t looking for! And yet it had been hunting for him.

On top of that, later, He’s sought out by King Saul, when he’s mentioned that he’d skillfully play and stay away the distressing spirit that tormented the king. The Bible says when he appeared before the king, he obtained favor in his eyes, made him his armor bearer, and asked his father (David’s) to let him stay with him. Sounds like a-from-grass-to-grace story!


Baby Jesus was sought out by the wise men who brought expensive gifts! Anna and Simeon as well sought him out at the temple. And his earthly parents must have been so blessed by such heavenly visits! I personally believe that the gold, the myrrh and frankincense from the wise men were worth a fortune and could have provided for the needs of that family for a long time, even for their passports to first flee into exile while Herod sought to kill the baby Jesus.

With these, I pray that good things may find you as well! May they be very good and mind blowing things that you least expected to encounter! For I’ve realized that in a world where men seek things (like jobs) and want to find those things, there is another man who these things (like jobs) seek out, chase and locate! It’s a reward that comes when men seek first God’s kingdom. All these other things come chasing them by their own accord … for the men they hunt have found favor in the sight of those very things!

Psalms 16:6a The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

1 Samuel 16:19 Therefore KING Saul sent messengers to Jesse, and said, “Send me your son David, who [is] with the sheep.”

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

1 Samuel 16:22 Then Saul sent to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight.”

7 thoughts on “Serendipity!

  1. Last week on Saturday someone invited for a graduation party, it was a quick one but when I arrived at the venue I did organize and they gave me 100k,it was un planned but turned out fortunate

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