Days of Present Past

I was listening to a christian album by Petra from 1989, and honestly, I wished I’d been alive at that time to experience those ‘good ol’ days.’

I have also listened to BeBe & CeCe Winans’ 1987 & 88 albums, and O the sound — I just wished I’d been there to see the vinyls.

“Perhaps they too wished to have lived in the 40s, to experience music then.” God said. “But if that happened, order would be lost. If they went to the 40s, they’d not have made what they did in the 80s. Or if they did, perhaps whatever they’d have seen in the past would have altered their vision in one way or another.

Remember, son, that if you go and dwell in the past even a day, the same would happen to you, and yet you were never meant to live in that dispensation. In so doing, you’ll leave a large hole in time’s space. Creation will even groan the more, because you would be missing when you were needed.

And, and … you must remember, that your present is quickly becoming the past. The 80s were once ‘now’, and the beauty only comes when you live to the full ‘today’, for then shall the generations to come wish to have lived in the 20s! But why would they wish to live in the 20s? It’ll be because of what you did while there — while here! I am so specific to the detail that I sent you in the physical at the right time.

For you to make a great impact, you had to come now. And many say Paul would be more audible if He lived here today than 2000 years ago, but my ways are higher than yours. You can not be sure of that. And isn’t he even more sound today? There are no mistakes with me. And do not yearn for the past. The 80s, the 70s, the 1500s, can all find you in your present. Strive only, to create what you must now.”

Dear reader, be cautioned of unnecessary wants. Some things we shouldn’t meddle with. Remember when God told Daniel to seal the book in chapter 12! He wasn’t told to roll it up as all scrolls are usually. There’s when the question was asked in Revelation: who is worthy to break the seven seals? If a scroll had all those, to me, it means some sort of unauthorized access; to keep those who aren’t meant to from reading it.

This is all to help us increase in the fear of the Lord. Not to question His decisions. For He’s God, and what He does is good. It’s such curiosities that lead men to tread forbidden paths, taking them off their right courses. Someone would get so ambitious for example, to build a time machine and return to the past — and yet, He was supposed to build another machine that’d perhaps fix broken bones!

The Bible says that for a righteous man, their paths are to shine brighter and brighter. If I yearn for the 80s, I am returning to a place where my light was dimmer and dimmer. And now where I didn’t exist yet, it must have been such dense darkness; for though He knew me before He put me in my mother’s womb, earth didn’t know me, or wasn’t ready for me. We must then keep looking ahead — to Jesus, for the greater works and exploits we were predestined to perform and not behind us.

The more time moves, the more glory guaranteed by prophecy and what was written! Right now, you are experiencing such glory and grace that didn’t exist in the 80s or in David’s time. You are … exactly where you had to be according to God!

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.

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