Inheritance Redefined

Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭6‬ Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

To train means: to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient or to form by instruction, discipline, or drill.

I saw someone post that a good name is an inheritance. A child growing up and walking around to be called and referred to or by their father’s good conduct or generosity is a good thing. We have also seen scorn as inheritance when a child’s parents were either a prodigal drunkard or world-known prostitute.

Here in Africa, the child is pssted at as ‘Prostitute’s offspring’ or ‘the child of the bottle.’ And this can affect children psychologically and socially. As I meditated on that, the Holy Spirit made me reflect on my love for God; for prayer, for gospel music, and how it all began with this one wonderful woman: my mother.

My father as well played a role in instilling the fear of God in me, though mother, since we always had more time with her as children, played a bigger role. I have noticed that training involves imitating and instructing (as the definition stated). It is teaching yes, but parents should always challenge the children to pray as well. For if they don’t push the children, they might never learn…

My mom used to ask a child randomly to lead the prayer on different. In this way we put into practice what we had seen her doing. And in the long run, the Holy Spirit took on the role and taught us more where mother wasn’t; but He needed a ‘school master’ to introduce Him. The habit became a discipline, and He then took me to other realms or versions or places in prayer.

This training in prayer, in character, in chores, in speech, in honoring, in smartness, in the fear of the Lord, all this that I learnt as a child is also inheritance. The word is not or should not be limited to money or land or other assets.

A good name is also an inheritance. Good character is an inheritance. Honoring is an inheritance. Diligence, excellence, time management, a good attitude, a servant spirit; these are all inheritances. Not that they’ll automatically be passed on through DNA, but can become part of children if trained into them. For, they in the long run will become traits as well, and that’s why children won’t depart or can’t depart from them.

When we were young, the brother I followed loved preaching. We used to call him Pastor, as he loved imitating a certain Pastor Alex Mitala. Between his 8th and early twenties he wasn’t that all out with God, though he never still made a bad name of himself. In his last years, he returned to God so strongly; and so I remember the parents who wonder why their children ‘left God.’ I believe that is because the training didn’t last long enough to evolve into traits — but if they did their best, then I know my brother’s testimony will shed some hope, that though you don’t see it, your child truly didn’t depart from the way.

So, as Proverbs 13:22 states that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children; as you set aside investments and assets, add to them virtues, add to them love, faith, courage, prayer and all these other good aspects we thought didn’t qualify as ‘inheritance.’ Train not only your children, but your friends as well, their children, your nephews, nieces, and whoever you can.

It’ll be worth it.

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