He didn’t light you up to put you under a bushel!

Many of us have things God has deposited within us, and for every case, there’s a different scenario. The common denominator I’d like to address today, is when we feel God is delaying.

You’d be a singer, (why use you? Let me use myself) I am a singer and songwriter; and like a big dreamer, I look to the day when I’d get signed by that big records house which is internationally established, so that my music career can take off.

If that’s too much, I just wish to have my music produced and out, even if locally, hoping the rest of the exposure will catch up later. But somehow, the resources available don’t seem enough.

I’ve even met potential sponsors who along the way went mute — discouraging me the more.

During one of those random song sessions, I sang myself crazy until I asked how this hasn’t been heard by the world yet; and (as in most cases) I went grumbling and ranting to God.

He cut me short by saying, “I didn’t light you up to put you under a bushel.” He didn’t add anything to that statement after that, and I meditated on it for days.

Those unfamiliar with the adage, its source is in Matthew 5, whilst Christ preached about us being the light of the world. And He said, no one in their right mind lights a lamp and puts it under a table, or a bushel. A bushel is a wooden vessel (or you can say pail) with a shape and function of a bucket or a basket.

Its nature can’t allow light to go through it — being wooden, means it’s opaque; and yet, remember, the idea of lighting up a lamp was not to hide the flame, but use it to help find one’s way around the house in the dark.

So; you’re the lamp that God lit. The flame He needs to brighten the earth.

He won’t light you up to keep you broke.

He won’t light you up to lead you to poor men.

If you’ve discerned light in you (and I’m sure there’s light in you) — any form of light; light in song like I, light in the arts, light in invention, light in writing, light in innovation . . . God wants you to know, that your light won’t go to waste. It’s for a purpose, a purpose pertaining the world, a purpose to touch generations. Don’t extinguish your flame.

He didn’t light you up to forget you. The world will be touched by your light.

He didn’t light you up to struggle. You are His lamp, it’s on Him to purchase oil to keep you burning. He’ll cater the bills of your dreams!It may take some time, it may take some years, but even if it seems to delay; know this one thing: He didn’t light you up to put you under a bushel.

He didn’t light you up to hide thee. The world will know your name! It has no choice!

Keep patient. He didn’t light you up to put you under a bushel!

Matthew 5:14-15 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

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