Last Saturday night, while I ran through the streets of Kampala, something awkward happened.

A lady jumped out of the shadows of an aisle and grabbed my left arm saying lustfully, “Baby . . . come to me!”

I aggressively retracted my arm and ran off the sidewalk into the road avoiding her. She then abused me the F words, in response to my rejection.

I now understand Joseph and Potiphar’s wife’s scene.


We all are at different points and stages in life. Some like me have never had sex. Others have, out of curiosity and others have had it unwillingly.

I simply knew it wasn’t right, and so, that directed my judgement. For someone else, it’d have been an opportunity to ‘discover…’

To someone else, she is not the ideal woman to lay with, but imagine a scenario where that person is grabbed like me by the ‘ideal woman’ he thinks is worth laying with. Married or not, both assumptions would zero down to sin.

The woman who attempted it toward me comes in different forms. Even if I fled that version, I haven’t fled her other forms. These other forms include; addiction to TV or social media, gluttony, lust, etc. It’s no longer just adultery or pornography.

These things have all began like that woman, soothingly telling all of us ‘baby, come to me.’ And before we know it, we are trapped in cages, enslaved by habits like the Egyptians did the Israelites, and this always has consequences. It’d be health wise, or time effective.

Thus, we have to counter this before it goes way deep … and God has equipped us with tools such as discernment; to know when ‘the woman (and her forms) are trying to grab us.’ He’s given us self control, so that we avert any chance to give the devil a potential place.

Or, if we claim not to be grown in these tools, we still know what’s wrong and what’s right. And when the wrong tries to creep through the vents of the righteous, God instructed us to FLEE!—To flee when we are being grabbed.

To flee when we see the ditch forming on the road.

Other times, it’d be us grabbing others. It’d be us having at Joseph, even if I mean it allegorically. Taking advantage of people because we are positioned jigger, to bless them or be their employers.

We have to FLEE those times as well.

Fleeing isn’t gentle. It is VIOLENT!

Tolerating nothing & kicking whatever is in your way … flying towards the nearest exit from any temptation — because if we tolerate any single ounce of it, like a cancer it grows … and it’s oft said that prevention is better than cure.

May God quicken us in our flight! For if we are not, we’d be David, whose lust ended an innocent man’s life or Eve, lending ear to the serpent, and dooming the entire human race.

FLEE . . . when need arises!

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

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