Rivers 3: The Mystery of Delivery

This year has began with me receiving clients who are in need of coaching in regards to writing their books and editing them as well. I have received people who are not in my usual circles, including elders who are above 60 years of age.

It’s exciting, though scary as well. The expected standard of delivery is high, and so, as I was praying about it the other night, suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke these words:

May a river be assigned to each of these authors. A river of living waters. A river to supply their writing aid. To carry them on this journey with ease unto the end.

I failed to add anything else to that prayer. It felt like the prayer meant to be said had just been said. It was the PERFECT one!Later on, in my meditation, the Holy Spirit brought to remembrance one of the earliest time rivers appear in the Bible. This was in the book of Exodus where the Nile was given the duty of conveying baby Moses from harm to his preliminary ordained haven.

Like you, many of us do not really comprehend the full meaning of ‘rivers of living waters flowing out of you.’

But I’d like you to know that some of the rivers that come out of you are meant to midwife. They are to carry men to their destinies! To help men bring forth the dreams of their wombs; Just like I am helping these men and women manifest their ideas into proper readable material.

This requires you to be faithful. For I have realized, that part of the duty of your passion or talent, is to help others, and not you alone. Once you know this and practise it, you attain good stewardship status in God’s books.

Do not despise yourself therefore. Your gifts are beyond you. Encourage yourself when your passion seems to be ‘not giving’. You’d be the key to saving a whole nation, just like the Nile stewarded the baby who’d end up midwifing millions of Israelites out of slavery into freedom.

Notwithstanding, if we are to put things in perspective, we have to remember the behavior of rivers. The Nile isn’t gentle at all points. It has rapids and falls at random points; and in the movie Prince of Egypt, my eyes were opened to a new reality. There were crocodiles swimming in that river. Men were fishing east and west. And in all this, the river had to steady Moses’ basket.

It had to bash the gators that tried to trap Moses’ basket in their teeth. It had to shake the boats that tried to snatch the basket in their nets’ grasp. The river fought to save the baby unto its destination.

Let’s pick a leaf by fighting things that we’d be harboring, that would turn out to be enemies to the ‘Moseses’ on us!


If you were the Nile, and you failed to deliver, that means the deliverer of Israel would be lost. You and I have to be extremely careful, diligent and excellent at what we do. We should not allow unnecessary mistakes or incompetencies. This means that we are in positions that could cause miscarriages to many other people’s dreams; be it directly, or indirectly—just like the Nile had to save only one that had to save millions.

Why diligence?

Let’s recall that this same river that saved Moses drowned a thousand other baby boys. I do not think all creation necessarily obeys its assignment. Sometimes these creatures walk off their designed path. Otherwise, the serpent would not have allowed to be used to tempt Eve. Otherwise, the fig tree would have brought fruit before Jesus.

So I pray … I pray that the rivers that come out of you will not be the reason for the loss of someone else’s dreams. That they’ll deliver! That they’ll not drown but keep afloat every responsibility assigned to them. And that they’ll not be corrupted to lose their element of life, that they’ll indeed, in fact, give life to dead dreams placed afloat them, and that they will FAIL NOT! In the name of Jesus Christ.

I now hand you over to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to stir your rivers, filling them with the same life that raised Christ from the dead…

John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Isaiah 58:11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

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