Stand Still

Usually, when we are in need, we are not totally without plan.

When God told Sarah & Abraham that they’d have child, Sarah had a plan. It’s not even mentioned that she kept pestering God asking Him about what He promised in the place of prayer. But we can’t blame her, she knew less than what you know.

Her plan was to take Hagar, her servant, to sleep with her husband. Things didn’t go well later, as this maid obtained pride before her—‘Cause I mean … I made your husband a father and you could not. Respect me old woman!…’

Hagar got kicked out!

It’s only after Sarah received strength to conceive seed, that she delivered a child, for she judged God —who had promised— faithful.

At first, she must have overly depended on the factor of age alone, but when she received a revelation that He was not a man that He’d lie, somehow, a bun got in the oven!

Now between her conceiving, and giving birth, she stood still.

Standing still is the art of having done all you could do, and getting out of the way to let God do what only He can do!

When farmers prepare their gardens, and water them, and eventually sow the seeds, they reach a point beyond which they have done what they are able to do. They then hand authority over to the earth to do what only it … can. How it works the magic no one knows — but the farmer trusts that the seed will split, develop ears and send some green creature shooting skyward with its roots slithering downwards.

In the same way, there are points, where we have to turn it all over to God. You’d pray for financial breakthrough … but hoping that plan A works. If not, you have a plan B. Plan C could also be on the shelf… but what happens after even plan Z has been implemented, and still … no results have manifested.

I am an architect student, and yes, I pay my own tuition. Last semester, my former headmaster bought 60 copies of my book (to help with the literature subject), and that garnered me 3 million shillings, partly which catered for the tuition then. This semester has come, and exams were due August initially.

I wrote emails to different schools bidding them to buy the books. One replied saying they’d get back to me. Another school’s principal set a term involving a student to read a copy and convince her to buy for the schools. Can you see my situation? I have the means to get the money! If I was the widow Elisha helped, I’d have many neighbors to borrow from the vessels, but I would still be wondering how the small pot of oil would multiply to saturate all of them!

You’d even have ways of dealing with the matter…but you have deadlines as well, and God knows that! My brain continued to run to plan C — an art business under the name Biggie’s Masterpieces. I hoped I’d have a company order for pieces so many, or a piece so big that would leave profit to clear the issue at hand.

I’m still waiting. I had plan D, E … But at some point, I became weary.

I was spent.

My brain was tired. And that’s when — exhausted — I kicked the ball to God’s corner. ‘Told Him it’s now Him and totally Him to fix this. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe, and I still know He can use any avenue I have availed. I still declare that He has supplied all my needs exceedingly abundantly above all that I’d ask or need according to His riches in glory, but maybe our problem is that we want to see the HOW.

‘How can it be?’ Mary asked! Sarah didn’t even ask, but laughed at the idea that she’d have child at such an old age. Unlike them, we have their example, so we have no reason to doubt.

After doing all that I could, I stood still!

Remember this is the art of having done all you can do, and getting out of the way to let God do what only He can!

I went to sleep! ‘Told the big guy it was His turn to work. Perhaps He has a new trick under His sleeve. I FELT SO MUCH PEACE, TRANQUIL & BREATHS OF FRESH AIR when I did that. When I turned things over to God.

He wants you to cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you affectionately. He doesn’t want you to get familiar with His ways. Because you struck the rock for the water to come out last time, doesn’t mean you are going to strike it again!

The next time, God asked Moses to speak to the rock to give up the water. He instead struck it twice. The water came out, but Moses was deterred from entering the promised land. Sad, isn’t it!

Perhaps for my case, and all ours, God is telling us not to lean on our own understandings but to trust in Him with ALL our hearts! Perhaps He wants you to walk on the water this time around, and not to split the sea!

To force you to that place, you’ll find yourself whipping the water with your staff and it won’t just budge!

Pharaoh and his chariots are coming, and still, you hear God telling you ‘Why are you crying to me. MOVE!’ You then find yourself running afloat, while your enemy sinks! God wants to show off unto you in new ways so that you can gain new awe of Him.

Standing still was when the Israelites reached the sea & God split it instead of sending an 11th plague upon the Egyptians — which I’m sure some Israelites were expecting God to do. He showed them a new trick instead.

Exodus 14:13-14 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Standing still is ignoring your tools — your ideas — of how you think God will fix it. Trust Him with all your heart. His ways are higher than yours. Perhaps He has a much simpler way.

Standing still was when Samson had lost his hair to the Philistines. His strength had been in it … And we’d all think that without it, Samson would have no strength. Well, when He prayed one more time, God still availed the strength to send crashing the pillars of the temple upon all the enemies of Israel. If He had thought God wouldn’t do it because of His bald head, then we wouldn’t have known God to be unlimited!

Standing still was when Hannah, after weeping to God, dried her tears. Then Samuel arrived!

Standing still was when Naomi had given up, for life had thrown her under the bus. Through her daughter-in-love, God reinstated her joy. Just like that, she became one of Jesus’ grand parents… O I’m sure she boasted of it in Heaven!

Standing (sitting) still was when Paul & Silas had been chained but chose to sing. They couldn’t call for help. They had no connections of anyone who knew their imprisoner. But God came through.

Numbers 9:8-9 And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying …

Perhaps like I, you are expecting God to use last time’s trick. Don’t get familiar. He says ‘Behold I’ll do a new thing…’ Stand still and see it unfold! Hear from Him, like Moses did.

Stand still by casting your cares upon Him!

Stand still by trusting in Him with all your heart!

Stand still by leaning not on your own understanding!

Stand still by acknowledging Him in all your ways. And He shall direct your path!

Stand still by holding your peace!

Stand still by remembering that He cares for the birds, and yet you’re of much more value to Him than they!

Today’s word is to inform you that one time, you will run out of options and ideas and plan Bs and the people who might bail you out.

Don’t panic!

God, the impossibility specialist is available 24/7. And He works best when all your plans fail, for if they do, you’ll say ‘…my third savings account had some millions…’ and therefore there’ll be no glory accorded to Him as a savior of that current situation. But when you stand still, and ACKNOWLEDGE Him, He will save the day.

‘And having done all … STAND! (Still)!’ (Eph 6:13c)

[Brackets added mine]

2 Chronicles 20:17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”

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