Covenant with the Beasts

The lions and Daniel;

Remember when Daniel was found praying yet a law had been passed that no one would pray to any other god, save the King Darius. Daniel considered this utter nonsense. He prayed to God at a window and was found.

“To the lions.” Was the decree of punishment. But shockingly, the den in which he was thrown into, he still emerged alive the following morning!

The beasts didn’t bite him! His accusers however were thrown in. And the very same beasts had them for dinner.

The viper and Paul;

Paul after a shipwreck, he and the crew washed up ashore. As Paul set the firewood, a viper jumped out of it and sunk its fangs in his skin. Poisoned or not, Paul shook it off. He even didn’t bother to crush it, or to look for a black stone!

Nothing symptomatical showed. He didn’t die! The watchers called him a god!

The Mosquitoes and I;

Those above were the stories that came to mind when the mosquitoes roamed about with their mandibles and proboscises, seeking to have a vampire like filling of me.

I slapped myself as I missed these malarians! As my peace was getting disturbed God reminded me of a covenant I have with them;

Job 5:22-23 At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth. For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee…

You see a time will come when a lion won’t chase after an ox and both shall eat the straw! The wolf and the lamb will feed together! No more prey-predator realting! (Isa 65:25, 11:7)

Peace! Peace is what I call it. And a third of God’s kingdom is so. This understanding, plus the promise in Job, made me remind the mosquitoes, that I dwell in peace with them. They seemed to have grown ears, telling each other, “He knows of it.”

Suddenly, I fell sound asleep and couldn’t hear that irritating weeee sound of theirs that keep coming close and getting so far at the same time. When I woke up, no where on my skin were there discoveries of irritated skin or bites from these nocturnals! All was well!

The future and you;

Be not worried about the wild dogs in the streets in the dark of the night, nor of the bed bugs hiding in kapok, nor of locusts in swarms, nor of serpents that slither in the unknown. They know of a covenant they can’t break! Peace with you is want it is!

Their creator in you they see…and how can they attack their own creator! Later on—His very temple. Maybe the lions remembered this covenant when Daniel was thrown in, and maybe the viper didn’t recall it—but its venom lost its noisomeness as it recalled ‘peace’ and ‘the covenant’…

No harm could it bring to Paul then, lest it be judged. Since God said His word never returns void, it had to yield that it would not an ounce go against a contract Elohim instituted! And so the poison lost its poisonousness just like salt that loses its savory.


What good news! What relief! The beasts know they have a covenant with you and your posterity!

I only ask myself . . . do you know it?

3 thoughts on “Covenant with the Beasts

  1. Hihi… The peace we have in us and the covenant we made(Job)😁it’s amazing how this morning my sister woke up complaining about the mosquitoes and guess what there was a reply to her complaint. Thank you Biggie

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