You are a Destiny Helper Too

In this blog ( we saw how I was a destiny helper to two friends, and how I helped connect them…

Today I want to talk about someone who’s been a destiny helper to me;

In 2016, I noticed that Pastor Moses Mukisa had written some books. I wrote an email to him, wondering if I’d get ‘funding’ for my books since I’d written (in pen) 5 already! Though he didn’t respond, God impressed it on my heart that He’d help me get my books published somehow…

A year later, Pastor Moses Mukisa began Harvest Institute; a leadership raising space whose requirement was that, for you to graduate, you needed to write a book first!

I was only 19. None of it made sense! But at 2019’s end, when he recommended me for the course, all I beheld were the fees!

Right now, all I behold is my gone myopia and how God fulfilled the prophecy He said would come to pass through Pastor Moses, whether directly or indirectly.

The tuition for the course found me, I was gifted a laptop by a colleague undertaking the same course, I saw the whole process from ink to print, and oh the joy of having the real thing!

So, thanks Pastor Moses, for going on with the idea, for if you hadn’t, I’d still be merely wishing! I celebrate you today!

You also invited me on short notice, to emcee big events! It was a huge opportunity, that sandwiched me in fear at first, but then I realized one of my true passions; people development through joy-bringing motivational speaking.

Ahhh, the list is endless. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So, this could be a tribute to another person, but a light-bulb moment for another! How many destinies would we help out there, if we just pursued excellence at another level?

If we just don’t kill those ideas, but water them and see them transform lives and communities! If we only gave those around us a chance to glide in the air and get a glimpse or feel to live their dreams?

Oh what a better world we would make!

One thought on “You are a Destiny Helper Too

  1. If we just don’t kill those ideas, but water them and see them transform lives and communities! If we only gave those around us a chance to glide in the air and get a glimpse or feel to live their dreams? Oh what a better world we would make!

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