Why God Needs You Asleep

We all must be familiar with the story of Adam and how God made him have a deep sleep while extracting a rib from him to make a helper suitable.

Now, from the word ‘tardemah’ from which ‘deep sleep’ was translated also means a trance. A trance means; a state of semi-consciousness in which a person is not self-aware and is either altogether unresponsive to external stimuli (but nevertheless capable of pursuing and realizing an aim) or is selectively responsive in following the directions of the person (if any) who has induced the trance.

This implies Adam was not self-aware. It’s like having a vision, and not aware of whatever is happening in or around your flesh (unresponsive to stimuli). Some accounts therefore assume that Adam bore the vision of Eve’s making.

That’s how he knew she was ‘bone of his bone’. Where am I going with this? We see that in Adam’s not being aware of self, but conscious to the Spirit of who provided the trance; God, was able to witness the making/locating of his helper.

Are you dead to self when it comes to matters pertaining finding your life partner? Do you approach God with a list of how you want your partner to come packaged? Height, skin color and a good score of 11 out of a range of 0 to 10…

Being asleep (dead to self) is coming to God, without a list, knowing well that He is God, the Great I am who created you, who knows so well who your RIB is and whose ribcage you belong to.

Your earthly life is too short for you to keep experimenting on anyone … Let God show you who it is. Don’t hit walls.

That is why God needs you asleep… Imagine God presents an image to you; of the person betrothed to you, or to whom you are betrothed. Looking at the outward outcome, you might tell Him of how not so curvy your partner is or how not so muscular or rich…

You’ll miss the mark if you grossly regard the outward projection which is not the case if you were asleep and awoke to be presented with one final apparatus…

Being asleep doesn’t touch only the matter of relationship but other aspects such as your dream or career. God could be leading you to your purpose, asking you to quit a specific job; but if you are ‘awake’, alive to self, you might miss a golden promotion!

Die to self I say. Please cease to be aware of you. This; I have witnessed, begins with prayer, and of course the Word. The Word will gradually brainwash you of yourself and make you fully aware of who God is in every aspect.

And as you grow deeper in love, He too will make you fall into deep sleep, and ‘get a rib out of you’ or, show you whose rib you belong to…

He’ll guide you to the right career, the right business, the right promised land…and if you’re in the deep sleep state already, stay asleep. Our opinions swiftly brush off divine interventions.

Our opinions include our limitations or thoughts. Our thoughts could say ‘this is impossible’, but we forget that His thoughts are higher than ours…and great are they towards us, to give us a future that we hope for, and an expected end.

When a seed dies (deep sleeps) , the result is multiplication, through the flourishing of a plant, which gives more seeds.

Abraham too was placed in a deep sleep as God made a covenant with Him. The result was; the birth of a nation. When God put himself to deep sleep when He—the son died, the result was the birth of a new world & reality.

I wonder what birth you’ll give to, on the other side if you make the choice today, to die to self;

I wonder…

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