Jesus Did Not Stay On The Cross

This is a continuation of the blog whose link is mentioned above.

Jesus has risen after 3 days. The number 3 is shelosh in Hebrew and it means harmony, new life, and completeness. (Watch this)

Romans 6:4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

The ‘3’ was a shadow of the thing to come after the death of Christ; Newness of life! The reset button for all humanity was about to be pressed and harmony with God, completeness with Him was about to be accessible to every and any human. Jew or gentile. Atheist or believer! As long as they believe in Christ.

Still on the number ‘3’, it was a Jewish culture that if three days passed and someone was dead, they were concrete dead now! Meaning, when Jesus became sin for us, and died for three days, sin was concrete dead.

According to the tradition, sin was now dead, absolutely mortified, no hope for its resurrection… Anyone was officially dead after 3 days!

After this proofing, Jesus refused to die in his own movie. He resurrects, but did not come back the same way he’d died. He was something else! If he returned the same, he’d have returned with sin.

In the bible, it’s allowed to marry after the death of one’s spouse. Why? The vow says ‘until death does us apart.’ Jesus got married to the sin of the world. First he took it away from us, became it, and died it. That means we are free to marry again to whoever we choose to!

But for Jesus, both he and sin are now dead, meaning they are both divorced from each other! There’s no beginning of a covenant without a death happening first. Death occurred, Jesus was raised by the Holy Spirit back to life, an unforeseen PLOT TWIST, and now he can freely marry whoever He wants!!!

Sadly many Christians today are still stuck on the cross. They are not even at the point where the darkness has covered the earth at the sixth hour. They claim that they have to repent all their sins every time they pray.

They don’t understand that the sin nature is dead to them and them to it. They remind God about their sin even after Him choosing to have forgotten about it (Heb 8:12)

Who we are we to dare remind God what He has chosen to forget!

They reply in retort saying, “That’s not being humble!”


That is where religion has ensnared them. True humility is acknowledging everything Christ died for. If you don’t acknowledge it, that’s pride!

If you continue calling yourself a sinner, and yet you confessed Christ as your personal Lord and savior, you mean to say Jesus must come back and die again! Which can be equated to blasphemy, as you are attempting to say that the price that was paid once and for all wasn’t heavy enough!

But the bible says ‘If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.’…

Well, John was addressing men who are not yet born again and freely justify themselves in their own works. Later in the 3rd Chapter, the 6th verse he goes on to say…

Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

“Now the Bible is contradicting itself!” … Many will murmur about that. But it doesn’t. They oft fall victim of quoting scriptures out of context. They say, all have fallen short of God’s glory…but the next verse continues to add ‘being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,(Romans 3:24)’

This provides comfort that the justification (The absolving, and declaring to be free of blame or sin) is continual and presents itself toward the saint washing his own consciousness of what he’s done at that point.

Let me shed more light. Imagine a food stain falling off your fork. Your brain will react, and try to move your body fast enough so that your white shirt doesn’t get stained but it’s too late, your shirt has already received the food. You pick it off and there’s no stain. It washed off between the food’s falling and your checking! There’s no evidence that the food even ever fell!

That’s your reality now!

The Bible is a progressional book like any other book. Many are stuck on the pages where sin is to be punished, instead of flipping next page to see what the next chapter or book says.

Jesus rose from the dead as a symbol that you too would walk in victory over sin and death! And He has been given authority on Heaven and Earth and He passed onto you that same authority.

What does that mean? It means ‘You stop begging the cross to take away your disease and instead command that disease out of your body.’ It means ‘you stop begging Jesus to raise the dead and instead, you raise them yourself!’ Why? He gave you the authority to cast out disease. He said raising the dead would be a sign that follows you. (Mark 16:17-18, 10:8)

Christ is seated at the right hand of God NOW. And His enemies are being put under his footstool. (Matt 22:44) We are seated with Him sharing in the victory!

Ephesians 2:5-6 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in the heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus,

What does it mean to SIT where Christ is seated?


You can’t just pray the same way you were praying before! You can’t just live the same way you were before! You can’t just cry about anything like you were before. You don’t pray as one who hasn’t seen victory, NO! You pray from victory! (2 Cor 2:14)

When Jesus rose, the stone upon his tomb could not stop Him as well. The angel that rolled it away didn’t roll it away for Jesus to walk through! It was rolled for the women inorder to see & believe that Christ was indeed risen!

Jesus was doing miracles initially, but not yet had it been mentioned that he could walk through walls or could teleport from one place to another. He returned much more complex… Like that hero who returns and you can’t recognize at all his full power extent and upgrade.

However the bible won’t change because you are seated where Christ is. All pages remain for different people at different stages in life. Many are still alive to the law and try in vain to keep it. Grace is a wrong message they say! Others are still sinners, so the Book will still have warning signs for them!

We continue to pray that their eyes be enlightened. One day when they are ready to flip the pages to the next testament, we’ll be waiting for them…

It’s hard to explain this all to you. It’s only The Holy Spirit who can explain such a mystery to you personally. It’s height, it’s depth, it’s breadth and length, and I sent Him your way to help you comprehend what has set me on fire since Good Friday;

To help you understand that you have much more POWER now than never before… to make you know that there are a hundred things you can talk to God about and sin is not one of them!

Just like Jesus didn’t stay on the cross, your life with God ought to get more amazing day by day! A chrysalis turns into a butter fly, a seed turns into a plant. A metamorphosis happens as well in our walk with Christ.

An upgrade ought to be evident in your life, having several greater days than your previous ones, having a better understanding of your position now than when you first began. This sums it up;

2 Corinthians 3:18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.

For more understanding on what happened when Christ died, refer to this July post;

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