The Grace To Conceive

The Lord has taught me something recently. There’s something called a Grace to Conceive. My spiritual father; Moses Mukisa founded the Straight Forward Financial Growth movement.

He wrote a book about finances that move you from the theory of acquiring finances to the practicability of it! Part of these SFFG classes about finances require one to increase their sources of income from one (your job) to possibly as many as one can.

At the time his book came out in 2018, many youth disliked coming for church service. ‘Church is now for those earning!’ They’d say as Pastor Moses was stressing what he’d discovered concerning finances for over 4 Sundays.

Most times, he used to go like, ‘Imagine you earn 3 million. Oh, okay, imagine you earn at least 1.8…’

Now most youth could never relate with that so many dodged Sundays for as much as they could. I, well … I kept coming. My faith told me, ‘One day you’ll be earning that much so go acquire the knowledge from the man.’

During the practicals, men had to calculate their net worth. I couldn’t reach that far but I kept taking notes of all that was being said. We were encouraged to 1. Tithe 10% 2. Save 20% 3. Give 10% and 4. Spend the 60% left on normal needs.

I began to practise those things. I’d get 100k today…and maybe 250k the following month. But I continued to come around such spaces that my mind felt so uncomfortable being around. Unaware, I desired to have extra income streams and my mind tried to think of what it could!

Last year, I joined gang. This is a discipleship space by Pastor Moses with his lovely wife Sarah. They take in a handful of youth and share their lives with them.

Part of the gang course outline requires us to be stretched. We didn’t escape the calculation of our net worth again, also being challenged to get multiple income streams apart from our jobs.

Now I’ve done that exercise over and over again. A sheet with digits running till 20, is handed over to you and you are challenged to fill in as many income sources to 20, as you can or if not, FIND NEW SOURCES!

I re-did that exercise twice this year already. I was shocked. My mind had caught up. My list reached number 15! 15 Income sources including investment club, miracle money (money given to you that you never expected) plus transcribing on top of the ones you see in that picture above!


This is what God told me;

“There’s always a grace to conceive when we get into uncomfortable spaces!”

Allow me to elaborate;

Sarah was so old when a son was promised to her! You ought to know that even if it’s not written, God in the background provided the grace to conceive in her a son when the uncomfortable & unexpected announcing news were told to her.

To Mary, that was the same story. ‘How can I have a child without lying with a man?’ She must have thought. But unbeknownst to her, a grace to conceive she had received in the background…

David. Ah... Perhaps the shepherding wasn’t a walk over. Maybe he’d to walk a long journey to get to the fields. Maybe he had to brave the sun. At some point I’m sure it was uncomfortable, but there he received a grace to conceive a relationship with the Lord!

Unbelief can deter the grace from completing the conceiving! Look at Zachariah, Elizabeth’s husband. When news came that he’d have a son, he doubted it! God made him lose his ability to speak so that he’d not interrupt the flow of the grace!

His speech could have strangled the grace to conceive.

Let’s look at other examples! Paul the Apostle wrote most of all his works while in prison, a quite uncomfortable space. But those very letters ended up qualifying to be in God’s own very word, which is the Bible! See how Greatness is born out uncomfortable zones?

Look at Steve Jobs, he got fired from the company that he had started himself! While away, he received grace to conceive better ideas that when he returned, no one could claim leadership other than him!

Others conceive ideas of businesses when they are at their all time low. The mind is forced to think on how one’d survive. In the quest to survive, global businesses are born.

The grace to conceive, even if it might show up when some one is very broke, won’t manifest for those who are afraid of the unknown. It won’t show up for those who aren’t bold enough to take the next small steps & big leaps of faith!

Yes, I was feeling uncomfortable when I attended the SFFG Next Sessions. I was surrounded by men having children almost my age. I couldn’t sustain a conversation long enough before that particular adult lost focus… but, I had taken the faith leaps by attending the sessions anyway.

And now things are paying off! What I used to do for free, now brings plenty into my storehouses!

Has God asked you to do something crazy? Are you feeling scared a bit? But you’re going to do it anyway? Then understand that unto you, the grace to conceive (and bring to birth whatever God had in store for you) has already wrapped itself around you!

Join that Investment Club, join that Bible School, Make up your mind to finish that course, go for that other job, sign up for that mastermind, write that book, visit that music-recording studio, e-mail that proposal, approach that sponsor, start that weight loss program, serve on a team, say that scary prayer, do what God asked you to do…

And finally get ready, for You’re going to DO mighty exploits on this earth!

Thanks for stopping by!

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