You are a Destiny Helper!

Today, I was reminded that I’m a Destiny helper! Let me share a story with you on how authentic this is!

In 2014, we were in high school. I was in Form Six. Wuhoo… That journey was ending. We introduced Worship Nights in the Marida week. This was the last week of the term that culminated with the ending of a term.

There was this particular Tuesday when the following Wednesday was Kiromo. A team from Scripture Union was invited to facilitate the service. Among those that came was Ken. He was an attractive young man with a fair countenance.

The additional sparkles as a result of his spectacles’ reflecting action catalyzed his beauty.

That young man held the mic and led 10,000 reasons by Matt Redman.

(We thank God for Talented souls…and Anointed spirits…)

The church filled with little aged students spun. Children were in tears. God must have hugged every one that night! Ken was commanding the notes. He went up the descants, went low to the tenor harmonies, caused Heaven to hold nothing back…and without a doubt, even those who hated chapel at school must have been awe-struck!

Sitted cerca de mí was my classmate and choir mistress Kwagala Esther. I call her Hadassah. She fell head over heels for Ken straight away! After crying and kneeling and rolling and praying, she asked me who that guy was!

I shrugged my shoulders…

She demanded that we got to know who he was! After the service I was rushing to go away, but Esther begged me. She pleaded that I ‘pushed’ her. She was scared to approach alone. And nze I am not timid!

I was moved by compassion and so agreed to escort her. We met the guy who teleported us to Heaven! Esther smiled so much. Her excitement wasn’t as carnal as the rest of the girls, but her joy was out of this world…

I didn’t know I had just facilitated a genesis of an everlasting covenant.

Ken came back once or twice that year… And we finished high school. Fast forward, it’s 2018! I’m added to a WhatsApp group mid-year! Its name was Ken Weds Esther! ‘What!‘ Was my immediate reaction! ‘When? How? I thought he went to Tanzania!…’

O well, it was happening. In November, the wedding happened. A worshipper married himself a worshipper!

“And I’m glad you were there that night to help start all this…”

I heard God clearly say!

He told me that if I had not escorted Esther, she could not have met The One. From that day, they kept in touch, and while at University, their relationship grew… I was oblivious of all this…but it didn’t matter! I had done my part!

There are things God will ask you to do. Simple things. I beseech thee, act immediately. Even in unawareness, God is up to something. You are a very important piece on God’s chessboard.

You too are a destiny helper. Your escorting will lead your friend to their lover. Your praying will reconcile two broken faculties. Your preaching will teach that graduate how to attract his or her dream job. By you, God will bring to pass another man’s destiny.

Don’t look down on yourself. You’re of high significance. God regards you highly. The testimonies of those you help will reach you. And you’ll know that your life is unorthodox, exceptional, unparalleled, noteworthy and very very important!

May God reveal to you how you’ll help that next soul meet their destiny…and may He show you how help you offered to someone else turned their lives around, so that you won’t boast, but may recognize how valuable your life is!

9 thoughts on “You are a Destiny Helper!

  1. I like the Esther’s audacity to push for her “right”, she’s such a courageous woman. Thanks also for allowing God to work through you. You will always be mentioned any time they ask them “how did you meet”, it’s so beautiful and a lasting act of service. Thanks Biggie

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    1. I have noted in the bible that women actually made their case towards men they liked. Now this is controversial ground certainly. Abigail did tell David to remember her, how about Ruth and Boaz, how about Tamar and Judah. In either case, the women made a move of sorts. Beautiful.

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