Wait for the ‘Made.’

As I cried tears full in my eyes to God about the delayal of some things He had promised me, He reminded me of the contrast in Genesis 1 and 2. In the former, God said “let us create man in our image, after our likeness…male and female created He them.” In the latter, it is written ‘God formed man of the dust and breathed into his nostrils…’

Clearly, the chapter 1 creation was mental — an ideation. Chapter 2 mentions God even first entering rest, and then making man. It’s here where the dust details come in, and then man is alone, and then Eve comes. But chapter 1 already said ‘male and female created He them.’ Why separate man and woman now yet He had already made them prior? That justifies what He told me. 

One can imagine an outfit that they have never worn. Say a flat hat, a flowery neck scarf within the shirt, tucked in, with suede shoes on. Now many times, I’ve imagined combinations that I didn’t try on prior. And as the party hour approaches, I throw it on, only to realize it cannot match. You can see the difference between ‘creating’ and ‘making’. There is a blue print, and then the actual construction of the mansion. The two are different.

In the same way, God wants us to be patient between the ‘creating’ and ‘making’. He wants us to wait on Him between chapter 1 and 2. Habakkuk says ‘though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come. It will not delay.’ He has given most of us the blue print, now the construction is happening somewhere. We long to enter the house, but you can’t enter an incomplete house. The roof isn’t up yet. The tiles miss still. The plaster! The paint! The furniture! The fittings! We must wait, a little longer. 

I know we’ve already seen the end, but like the current trending slang states, let God cook.

I know you’ve seen the wedding mentally. I know you’ve seen that business go global with your imagination. Yes, He gave you that vision. And it will not lie, just like God is not man that He should lie; but once again, we must evoke that fourth fruit of the Holy Spirit; that it might sustain us and keep us composed between the ‘created’ and the ‘made.’ Now, the amplified version adds in brackets after this gift; (not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting).

Many of us are not surrendered as we wait. We cast our cares upon the Lord — but not, on second thought. We take them cares back! We worry too much. We think much about how the blueprint will come about; how the wedding will come about! Et cetera. What He has requested me to do, as I wait, is to remember the previous things I believed for, and how they all came to pass; then gain reassurance from them, that just as they came to pass, the currents on the agenda, too will not fail. 

Ask Him what you should do as you wait for yours. And gladly comply.

5 thoughts on “Wait for the ‘Made.’

  1. i believe the waiting is the most silent season in journeying with Christ…you can almost question if God left you…but he is always there…because those who wait on the lord can never be disappointed❤️🙌


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