… No Sorrow With It!

Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.

Often times, we the blessed ones tend to complain about the things we once prayed for; or the things God gave us. I learnt this secret years ago, and God just reechoed it through a different eye.

We pray for children, and when we receive them, we complain about sleepless nights and diaper changing! Well what did you expect? Proverbs says if you want a kraal clean, then don’t buy oxen! But remember you need oxen to plough your plantations.

In other words, we must either be ready to take on full responsibility for whatever we are expecting from God, or patiently wait for Him to build our capacities enough to be able to handle what we are asking for!

Alternatively, the psalmist said ‘He gives me the desires of my heart’ — not that He will give us whatever we want; but that He gives us what we should desire. If He sees we are not ready for marriage, perhaps He will keep that desire from us; preparing us in the meantime to take on that responsibility!

If not, if we rush into it, His blessing may not be in it — and the evidence will be all around! If His blessing is not in it, then it might come with sorrow in just a matter of time! It doesn’t matter if we have received the parents’ blessing! God’s — matters all the more!

The B side to this is God blessing us, but that mischievous arch enemy always walks around looking for someone to devour and steal and kill and destroy; So, he’ll bring in the sorrow. He will try to add sorrow!

All God’s blessings come with NO SORROW! Diaper changing is part of the blessing! Wouldn’t you rather that than having no fruit of the womb at all! The devil will however make you complain about it! He’ll make you complain about the school fees, the dropping and picking the kids, the cooking, the packing of their snacks, showering them and dressing them … and if you forget that you once prayed you had kids, if you forget that your womb was once closed Hannah and Peninah mocked you, then woe unto you.

If you forget that children are a reward from the Lord, ah, sorrow has been added to your blessing! We receive cars and complain about maintenance, spare parts, fuel or gas! We forget that the rain used to hammer us and we had to wait it out before we could move. We forget that if He takes care of the birds in the sky, and knows all stars by name, surely, He factored in the provisions that would come with the car.

You once praaaaaayed for a spouse! You found favor with the Lord! You’ve been married for some time, but now you are starting to whimper and whine, bemoan and bewail, grumble and growl — about his or her imperfections!

You prayed that God would elevate your spiritual life; and now you hate the fact that you wake up randomly in the night having lost sleep; or you find that you have to excuse yourself many times when the tongues start kicking in within the most awkward places…

Let’s be guided! Your house is a blessing! You’re not renting nor is it mortgaged! Your children are darlings! Your job — yes your job — it has no sorrow with it! Refuse to COMPLAIN! These blessings overtook you and none came with sorrow;

Blessed are you in the city and blessed are you in the country; wherever you are, there is no sorrow there! The fruit of your body, and ground — none has sorrow with them! Even if you did not reap 100 fold this time! There is no sorrow whatsoever! Count it all joy! All you do prospers.

When you go out and come in, you are blessed still; whether you are fired, or shortlisted, there’s no sorrow with it! Your storehouses overflow — there’s no sorrow with it! Blessed are the works of your hand, there’s no sorrow with them! You lend to many nations and shall not borrow! When they keep coming, don’t let sorrow engulf you!

You’re the head and not tail! Above only and not beneath! Watch out for those that make you feel bad for always winning and being on top; their guilt tripping might try to open a gate of sorrow so that you feel small and slump! But be on guard! Above only and not beneath is your forte, your modus vivendi! Refuse to be sorry about it!

God’s blessing made you rich as Proverbs said, but we have allowed the devil to add sorrow ‘with’ them, when we collaborate with him through complaining and murmuring about each one of them.

His blessing on your life has no ounce of sorrow added with it! Don’t be the one that adds it! Deny sorrow the chance!

Live out the joy of your blessing! Cheers!

Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭6‬a Blessings are on the head of the righteous

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